A Helping Hand
Just a quick blog girls. I was browsing on the internet earlier today to try and find some more information on the wonderful Suspect Culture. There wasn't too much to find, but I did read some reviews and two interesting points came out, which could be of assistance to the actors... A review of 8000m said that SC are a company who fascinate audiences for they take risks, 'risks which have sometimes left me speechless with deserved amazement. (I'm not sure we'll be obtaining that, but it's worth a try!) The second was a review of Mainstream, which basically agreed with the play's issues, saying that we are all alternatives. We believe in the mainstream, for sure, but we harbour too many secrets, have too many quirks to count ourselves as part of it... If we start thinking about the characters in SC's plays we begin to notice a familiarity running right through them... They all have quirky, alternative characters.
Hope this is of a helping hand...
Julia Angeli
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