Sunday, December 05, 2004


After watching Timeless we started to dispute on subject such as gesturers reflecting the homesickness.

We were searching for some appropriate gestures that would express /mirror one's feelings. So as our performance is structured in three parts: Migration dance, then a 12 minute piece and at the end once more a migration dance. In a bit where you act different situations - for example Annie is talking on a mobile phone with her mother - at the same time some other people are continuing their everyday routine (for example Elena) so what I thought when some people walk into each other they should interact in certain way…for example, those people could remain still for 3 seconds, look into their eyes (expressing their need - in search for something they are longing in somebody else what they used to be familiar with within their homeland routine). I think Alice you quite liked that idea and maybe we could try to rehearse it next Monday.

Anna Nieczuja-Ostrowska


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