Wednesday, November 24, 2004


The notional structure we agreed in the class in week seven was as follows:


Opening: Migration Dance
Individual migrations, building up and layering, with video 'interviews'. Build?
3 minutes

Home sequence
The value of home; images of ideal homes; sheet and stick material.
2 minutes

Barriers to Home
Fragmentation, barriers, problems; things that get in the way of home; forced migration; wanderlust; globalization; work; etc.
12 minutes

Homesick sequence
The physical experience of homesickness; build the metaphorical, haunting associations of it. Poetic?
2 minutes

Ending: Migration Dance
All together, now migration continues beyond nineteen; endless, infinite, shuttling to and fro, never stopping. 'Feel Like Going Home' Charlie Rich. Lights slowly out on the movement.

Dan Rebellato


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