Wednesday, November 10, 2004

My Mum, Sue

I've been reading other people's descriptions of their ideal homes and the main thing they have in common is that their homes are all full of people. This suggests that the essential ingredients for the home is that it is lived in. It's that feeling that the space is inhabited that makes that particular space homely. Remember when we were talking about show homes and how they are designed to be made to feel lived in but it is never quite achieved. Anyway, I guess my ideal home would be big, but cosy. Big kitchen and fireplaces, like Julia, are essential probably because my house now has a beautiful fireplace in every room. the idea of the kitchen being the central meeting place is nice. The garden would be big and natural looking, probably a bit wild with maybe a wood and stream at the end where my children could experience their first broken bones exploring. (Only joking.) I dont really like to think of where I'm going to be when in years to come so I don't know the location of this house.

As for the slinky, afraid I broke all 5 of mine which I have owned over the years but could put you in touch with my supplier.

The smells which remind me of home are Persil liquid capsules. My mother, Sue, supplied me with two boxes of them upon my arival in uni and I haven't needed to buy more yet but I can assure you that won't be changing. Often at home once Sue had taken the warm clothes out of the tumble dryer, I would spread them out over the bed and roll around in them because they smelled warm and clean. However my mother would then shout and tell me no one would ever marry me if they knew how messy I was.

Philippa Thomas


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