Friday, November 12, 2004

Hair and Home

Ok so as long as we are all sharing homesick experiences I may as well add another...

On Tuesday I took a break from all of the heavy studying that I had already begun at the start of reading week and went into London to get my hair cut. Now being the poor student that I found a brilliant way to get a great hair cut for really cheap: go to a training academy and have a student cut my hair! I booked my appointment at the vidal sassoon advanced academy, hey it sounds professional enough right? To be honest paying a 5er for a hair cut wasn't going to be bad no matter who was doing it. It was actually pretty cool and I would do it again I think, but you have to let them do pretty much whatever they want and I couldn't really tell whether I liked it or not. I have since then come to accept the cut and I do like it and I will probably go back at some point, but back to the homesick part....

See, when I got back to RHUL I still wasn't sure whether I liked it and I was getting a little negative about it. My friends of course told me they liked it, but I didn't believe them. Not one bit. All I wanted to do was walk into my house back in Carlisle and ask my mom, who would have told me right away whether it was horrible. I felt pretty homesick for a while because the picture I sent her from my phone didn't give her a good enough idea of what it looked like. I wasn't going to be able to get her opinion and that made me sad. I even wrote to her and told her that, yes, my crazy new hair had made me homesick.

Lauren Abend


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