Monday, November 22, 2004

A Few Scattered Ideas

There have been a few ideas floating around my head since last week's lesson which I thought I'd post. Firstly, I'm really interested in the physical symptoms of homesickness and travelling. And it struck me how unhealthy it is to go on the underground, as the fumes from the tunnels can (apparently) give you cancer. Then I started thinking about other methods of travel like driving, and how this is polluting our atmosphere and planet. And then it hit me! Travel is killing our planet! Our Land! OUR HOMES! Can we somehow explore this and see whether we can work it into the sickness section of our piece?

Secondly, got some belated feedback to give the group on the mobile phone exercises we did 2 weeks ago. I thought these exercises worked very well, and what was really interesting was that there were particular reccurent gestures/vocal characteristics that were being demonstrated during certain deviations of the exericise. For example, during the third exercise when you were explaining that you couldn't come home ever again:
  • Lots of sitting down and closed body postures (hugging bodies)
  • Starting slowly, upbeat introductions, lots of nervous laughter
  • Touching of the chest (this particular gesture was used a lot, could it be that we have found the gesture for homesickness???), neck and throat
  • Scratching head, rubbing eyes, touching head.

Also, while I'm really keen about the salt patterns I'm wondering how we could practically achieve this. Even in rehearsals that means having a lot of salt and needing to clean it up everytime...Is there no other, easier way of marking our tracks? But I don't want to sound like I don't love this idea because I really do!

Alice Hansen


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