Monday, November 08, 2004

Family is Home

As far as cleaning goes I am an absolute clean freak! I love cleaning, sorting out my room etc. so for me, cleaning is something which I definately associate with home, and i have to admit that I even clean other peoples homes (friends, boyfriend) and it definitely seems more 'livable in' once I'm done with it!

My personal favourites are:
  • sorting out old papers, books, videos, things that you really do not need anymore!,
  • and I like cleaning dishes when I am at my boyfriend's house... I use fairy really.. thats a bit too commercial though, so it doesnt really ring of home, you know? huh

The home: I have a lot of ideas about how my home would look like but the main main main thing would be that it would have to have enough space for my whole family, so that when anyone wanted to visit they could, and could stay with me and my family for as long as they liked. A mini -apartment in the house for my parents etc. Family is home for me.

Dana Karic


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