Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Hi everyone! I just wanted to say something I didn't get the chance to in class. It's in the video some of us did too. The idea of the connections between us and our homes is sorf of more sentimental to me. I think of it as millions of bubbles filled with memories of the times (good and not so good) we've had in our homes. All of these memory-bubbles are connected creating a big chain that attaches to our real home, wherever we go. Now someone, I think it was Claire, asked me whether these bubbles can ever burst. Think of it yourselves, sometimes we tend to push some memories all the way to the back of our heads, either because they were unpleasant or because they were uninteresting. But I feel that even though this happens, these memories are still there, part of the big chain that will help us "get back" to our homes whenever we want.

Elina Pissioti


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