Monday, October 18, 2004

The moment you've all been waiting for.....Nia blogs!

No your eyes are not deceiving you, my username/password type fingy is all sorted and I'm free to blog away! In celebration I thought I would bring you all the delights of migration, you lucky devils!

Sam and I mentioned briefly in class the subject of international migration and why people choose to migrate along with the following definitions in case you didn't catch them...

Migrate to move and settle into a new area in order to find work
Immigrate to come to live permanently in a foreign country
Emigrate to leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another

I don't know how relevant this is to our project but I thought it might be quite interesting to look into bird migration; here's what I came up with.

'to move from one habitat to another according to the seasons'

The flying V - this formation not only allows the birds within it to fly a full 70% further (the bird flying at the head of the V breaks up the air resistance and the push of swirling vortexes behind them makes it much easier for the other birds in the formation to fly) but also allows the birds to watch over each other and communicate about likely landing locations. If a bird cannot keep up with the V or is injured during migration a few of the other birds will go down with the injured bird to keep it safe until it recuperates. Only when it is ready to fly again will they take off again in search of a new flock to join up with.

As I said I don't know if this is of any use to our project I just thought it was interesting and sweet! Ahhh the lovely birdies!

Nia Johnston


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