Suspect Culture: Chronology
Company formed by David Greig and Graham Eatough, in association with Nick Powell. The abortive early company name is 'Art is Nice TC', but that is replaced by Suspect Culture for their first show:
April. Savage Reminiscence, (Hen and Chickens Theatre, Bristol and tour). [Unless otherwise stated, all Suspect Culture productions are written by Greig and directed by Eatough, and usually have music by Nick Powell.]
August. SC take several shows to the Edinburgh Festival including Stalinland, And the Opera House Remained Unbuilt, Life after Life, and The Garden (Theatre Zoo: Roman Eagle Lodge & St Columba's by the Castle, and tour).Stalinland wins a Scotsman Fringe First and The Garden is adapted as a BBC TV film, under the title Nightlife, in 1996. Also in Edinburgh under the SC banner is Sarah Kane, performing her own monologues.
July. Stations on the Border and Petra's Explanation [double bill] (The Arches, Glasgow).
SC begin to receive project funding from the Scottish Arts Council.
February. One Way Street (Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh) . This production marks the beginning of the company's professional life.
June. Airport (Traverse 2, Edinburgh, and tour). This was jointly commissioned by the Tramway, Glasgow, and the Traverse, Edinburgh, in association with the British Council and the Cuarta Pared Theatre in Madrid. It was initially workshopped in Madrid with a mixture of Scottish and Spanish actors.
Ian Scott worked on Airport as a designer and was soon invited to join as a permanent member of the core artistic team.
SC steadily building international reputation. One Way Street tours Germany. A version of Airport is given in Milan as part of Scotfest.
August. Timeless (Gateway, Edinburgh)
For the first time, the company starts receiving 'revenue funding' from the Scottish Arts Council.
March. Timeless tours to the Donmar, London, for a short run.
May-June. Airport tours the Basque country in Spain.
May. Local (Tramway, Glasgow) Devised text, dramaturgical work by Greig.
February. Mainstream (MacRobert Theatre, Stirling, and tour). This production will eventually tour widely in Europe.
March. Candide 2000 (Old Fruit Market, Glasgow, and tour)
December. The Golden Ass, devised from the story by Roman writer Apuleius, co-directed by Mauricio Paroni De Castro and Graham Eatough, design by Laura Trevisan (Tron Theatre, Glasgow).
February. Casanova (Tron, Glasgow, and tour)
April. Lament (Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh)
August. One Two (Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh). Text devised and written by the company.
January. 8000m (Tramway, Glasgow)
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