Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Rehearsal Times, etc.

Hi everyone! Just want to start by thanking everyone for coming to last night's meeting, wasn't too painful, was it?! Ok, so here are a couple of rehearsals/gatherings that we decided on:

- This Wednesday at 2pm, meet in Crosslands.
- Monday 29th at 4pm in Founder's (east) commonroom to watch another SC video.
- Thursday 9th, 3:30-4:30pm. This will be a group discussion and evaluation hour, where we can all voice any concerns or issues about the piece, hopefully wrinkling them all out over the weekend before the performance.

We agreed that everyone will make a commitment to check the blog as often as possible, as this is the easiest way for Lauren and I to set rehearsals and for the tech team to update the whole group on what they're doing. Please keep blogging your own feedback and ideas, but remember that we're going to have to focus on certain areas now, and obviously we can't use every idea. If you can't make a rehearsal then text Lauren or I asap. Also remember to check your e-mails regularly.

On another note, Lauren and I would like you to blog as many of Suspect Culture's main techniques and characteristics as you can think of. Also try to back them up with some evidence from a couple of sources; eg videos, scripts, Dan's essay, etc. We need these to give us a firm grounding so that we can always have SC's core principles at hand. Also, it will give you a head start with your essays!

Finally, a small note to Dan: We discussed last night how we would like there to be a strong, perhaps moral message running throughout this piece, such as in Mainstream where we realise that the more mainstream we are all becoming, the more different we realise we are. We felt this would give our piece focus, and that this was in line with SC's theatrical practices.

Thanks gang, see you on Wednesday!

Alice Hansen


Blogger danrebellato said...

Strong moral message coming right up.

4:32 pm  

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